
Building Universal Computation Solutions on Bitcoin

About FairGate

Fairgate is a research pioneer in the field of Privacy Enhancing Technologies and Multi Party Computation. Inspired by our strong commitment to unlock Bitcoin’s full potential, Fairgate is a key contributor to BitVMX and it is focused on the development of innovative solutions able to capitalize on the tremendous power of this new computing paradigm.


In 2023 Robin Linus discovered BitVM, a clever mechanism to use the current Bitcoin scripting system to verify arbitrary conditions and restrict bitcoin spending based on those conditions, assuming miners cannot censor transactions. The proposal was soon expanded from the two-party setting to N-party protocols. While BitVM (a.k.a. tapleaf circuits) was only of theoretical interest, soon afterwards, he proposed two improvements that make it practical: BitVM1 and BitVM2. We pushed the research forward with BitVMX, improving both pre-computation, on-chain vbytes consumed, round complexity and design simplicity.

BitVMX is a new framework to optimistically execute arbitrary programs in Bitcoin based on the N-party disputable computation paradigm pioneered by BitVM. BitVMX framework provides the foundations to run any CPU on Bitcoin, with a focus to run a fully-compliant RISC-V processor programmable using a standard compilation toolchain. Working with its partners and the community, Fairgate is creating the first secure, extensible, open source and token agnostic smart contracts platform on Bitcoin.

This revolutionary framework can be used to develop blockchain bridges, aggregator oracles and SNARK/STARK verifiers. As soon as BitVMX is able to run a SNARK verifier, a myriad of new use cases can be brought to Bitcoin, from ZK-rollups to crazy use cases such as Zero Knowledge Contingent Payments (ie: autonomous bug bounties paid for disclosure of vulnerabilities).

Services FairGate

Fairgate builds innovative solutions for its customers based on its unmatched expertise in the creation and application of BitVM and BitVMX technologies. Our understanding and passion for Multi Party Computation, Cybersecurity and Blockchain grants us the skills and confidence needed to tackle the most difficult and demanding challenges that can be found in this industry. Talk to us, we always love to hear about new problems to solve.


Jony Altszul

Co-founder and CEO

Sergio Lerner

Co-founder and CSO

Ariel Futoransky

Co-founder and CTO

Diego Masini

Team leader

Ariel Waissbein

Senior Cryptographer

Martin Jonas

Research Engineer

Agustin Zaballa


Kevin Wahle


Andres Vanineti

Research Engineer

Silvio Corigliano

Digital Design

Fernando Tobias


Pablo Malavolta

Head of Administration

Roxana Waiss


Mat Travizano


Sebastian Wain


Resources and Publications


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