Weekly #15
November 29, 2024 - Week 48

Hey everyone! Another week has gone by, which means a new Fairgate Weekly edition is here. Find everything disputable computing related, and more to stay up to date. Let's dive right in to the articles


Charles Hoskinson discusses Bitcoin, bridges, and BitVMX in a recent broadcast, sharing his insights on the future of blockchain interoperability and Bitcoin technologies.
Watch the video: https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1BRKjwXovMgGw


BitVMX team has announced the availability of the first complete optimistic proving system, including key innovations such as On-chain verification, Expanded Capabilities and Optimized efficency.

🔗 From Theory to Practice: The First Complete Optimistic Proving System on Bitcoin
The execution transaction record is available on Bitcoin mainnet. It corresponds to the “Execution Challenge” and it is the first implemented proof followed by 11 others. This is a major milestone for the BitVMX project led by RootstockLabs and Fairgate, paving the way for the development of UNION, the world’s most secure and trust-minimized bridge to Bitcoin.


A new paper reveals a weakness in the MPC-in-the-Head framework, enabling attackers to recover secret keys through analysis of leaked calculations. The paper demonstrates this attack on real hardware and proposes security improvements.
Read the paper:https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/1882.pdf


Nubit, in collaboration with ZeroSync, Alpen Labs, and Citrea, launches BitVM IDE, a tool for verifying ZKPs using BitVM on Bitcoin.
Try the tool: https://bitvm-ide.nubit.org/


Fiamma introduces its verification layer, detailing its architecture and benefits for enhancing decentralized applications.

🔗 Why Kailua Unlocks Fast Finality
Building on BitVM2, Fiamma has developed a comprehensive ZKP (zero-knowledge proof) implementation, including Groth16 and Fflonk. For more details, refer to Fiamma’s documentation on BitVM2 implementation.

That's all for this week's edition! Hope you enjoyed our article selection.
We look forward to connect with you next week.
Thanks for reading!
The Fairgate team