The current and future role of Layers on the Bitcoin ecosystem

A new paper surveying Layer 1 and Layer 2 technologies on Bitcoin ecosystem. The authors discuss how Layer 1 serves as the base protocol for Bitcoin, ensuring security and decentralization, while Layer 2 solutions aim to address Bitcoin’s scalability issues by enabling faster, more efficient transactions. The study highlights various approaches, including payment channels, rollups, and sidechains, and provides an overview of future development trends in Bitcoin’s infrastructure.

🔗 Programming on Bitcoin: A Survey of Layer 1 and Layer 2 Technologies in Bitcoin Ecosystem
The Taproot upgrade in 2021 ushered in the Schnorr signature algorithm and the P2TR transaction type to Bitcoin, thereby notably improves Bitcoin’s privacy and programming capability. This upgrade catalyzes the emergence of new protocols such as Ordinals, Atomicals, and BitVM, which not only enhances Bitcoin’s programming capability but also enriches the Bitcoin ecosystem